
Advantages and disadvantages of cigarette packs that you must know

within 10 seconds of smoking Toxic chemicals quickly reach the brain, heart, and other organs. Smoking harms almost every part of the body and increases the risk of many diseases.

Nowadays, there are alternatives to smoking traditional cigarettes, such as: electronic cigarettes Which is up to 95% less dangerous and toxic than cigarettes and also helps reduce costs more than rolled cigarettes.

list of contents

  1. How does smoking affect personality?
  2. How does cigarettes damage your body?
  3. Cigarette smoke affects those around you.
  4. Alternatives, a new way of escape for people addicted to cigarettes.
  5. summarize

    1. How does smoking affect personality?

    • cause yellow stains Sugar on fingers, tongue, and teeth
    • Increases the risk that teeth will fall out of the mouth more than the average person.
    • Bad breath, tooth decay, and bad breath.
    • Taste buds function decreased. Decreased appetite, weight loss, thinness, dark lips
    • Causes sagging skin and premature wrinkles.
    • It causes your hair to lose its natural shine.
    • Erectile dysfunction due to blockage of blood vessels that supply nerves.
    • When you smoke for a long time, it affects your ability to think, remember, and perceive.
    • Abdominal aortic aneurysm chronic bronchitis
    • Decreased immunity against bacteria
    • Lives an average of 10 years shorter than non-smokers.

      There is also a growing body of evidence that smoking has a negative effect on mental health, for example depression, schizophrenia and suicide attempts.

      2. How does cigarettes damage your body?

      The chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage a smoker's body in a number of ways. Today we will give examples of only the main substances that everyone has probably heard of.


      It narrows your blood vessels and arteries, damaging your heart by forcing it to work harder and faster. It also causes blood flow to slow down.

      carbon monoxide

      This causes the heart to lack the oxygen it needs to pump blood throughout the body. As time passes The smoker's airways become dilated and less air is allowed into the lungs.

      tar or tar

      Tar is a carcinogen, such as cancer of the lungs, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, and kidneys. 50 percent of tar goes to the lungs. Causes irritation, chronic cough, and phlegm.


      It paralyzes and kills hair-like cells in the airways. These cells clean the lining of the respiratory tract and prevent infection.

      Ammonia and formaldehyde

      It has the effect of irritating the eyes, nose and throat. If the smoker already has symptoms and the more they smoke, the more they will stimulate and become more irritated than before.

      chemicals that cause cancer

      Cigarettes contain various carcinogens that cause smokers' cells to grow abnormally or too quickly. This may result in cancer cells.


      It is a heavy metal substance that severely damages the kidneys, nervous system and red blood cells. Can be absorbed through the skin, especially in children.

      3. Cigarette smoke affects people around you.

      The smoke produced by smoking can affect the health of others when they breathe in secondhand smoke. That is, breathing in chemicals that are toxic to the body.

      These fumes contain more than 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are toxic and about 70 of them are carcinogenic.

      Important!!! These fumes are not just what we inhale. But it also sticks to hair, clothes, carpets, and various appliances. That's called third-hand smoke, which is just as harmful to people around you as second-hand smoke.

      Risks in pregnant women

      Smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke while pregnant or breastfeeding Affects the health of children

      1. Affects the growth and health of your baby.
      2. Affects the baby's lung development.
      3. Increased risk of stillbirth
      4. Increased risk of premature birth
      5. This increases the risk of complications and illness for both you and your baby.

      Risks for children and youth

      If they live with someone who regularly smokes in the home This would cause these children to inhale the same amount of nicotine as if they were smoking 60 to 150 cigarettes per year.

      • It is enough to be considered an occasional smoker.
      • Increases the risk of lung cancer by 20% to 30%.
      • This doubles the chance that they will become smokers in the future.

      4. Alternatives, a new way of survival for people addicted to cigarettes.

      Some people can quit smoking by stopping smoking or quitting. But there are many people who just can't quit. That has resulted in many alternative products that replace cigarettes.

      Here we recommend electronic cigarettes. Which is an aid to quit smoking or some people can use it instead of cigarettes because electronic cigarettes are up to 95% safer than real cigarettes.

      Reference from: https://www.mafiavapeshop.com

      Electronic cigarettes are another option that is safer for delivering nicotine into the body. Plus it doesn't ruin your personality like smoking cigarettes. And there is no combustion.

      5. Summary

      Cigarettes contain thousands of toxins that have a very negative effect on the smoker's body and personality. It also causes many diseases to follow.

      If unable to quit smoking immediately It is recommended that you try to find other options to replace smoking. In addition to maintaining your own health, it is also protecting the health of others.

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